Enhancements for Tradeflow were released September 11, 2013. Please read below for details about the enhancements.
Product Management Centre - Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) Updates
Several aspects of the FWS Other Government Agency (OGA) were updated with this release. Maintaining FWS is only applicable to products classified for the United States.
Fields No Longer Required
Previously, Tradeflow required several fields to be completed before a user could save a FWS record for a product. Now, only the Supplier/Vendor field is required in order to save a FWS record.
These fields are now optional to complete for saving:
Species Code
FWS Country of Origin
Wildlife Description
Species Code Enhancement
Previously, users had to search and enter a species code from a lookup box within Tradeflow. Once a species code was selected, five related fields (Genus, Species, Sub Species, General Name and Specific Name) would then populate with the corresponding values to the species code selected. Now, users can choose to use this existing functionality, or instead, directly input data into any of the five related fields. Species code can also remain blank since it is no longer a required field.
In addition, there is now a link next to the Species Code box, which opens a new window allowing you to search directly on FWS’ site for valid Species Codes. Once a Species Code is identified, you can copy and paste the information back into Tradeflow.
Figure 1: Species Code Field
Updated Fields:
Purpose field has been updated to ensure it is up to date with all the current values provided by FWS.
Source field has been updated to ensure it is up to date with all the current values provided by FWS. In addition, any previous values that are no longer valid remain in the drop-down list, but with a “DEPRECATED” comment. This allows customers who currently have products flag with deprecated codes to maintain those until such time they can select the new valid source option.
Wildlife Description field has been updated to ensure it is up to date with all the current values provided by FWS. In addition, any previous values that are no longer valid remain in the drop-down list, but with a “DEPRECATED” comment. This allows customers who currently have products flag with deprecated codes to maintain those until such time they can select the new valid wildlife description option.
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