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Request Access to Report Results


When you try to open a report result that you don't have access to, you'll see a message that says "You need permission." One possible reason that you don't have access to the result is that you aren't listed as a recipient. This typically happens when:


  • Someone forwards a report email notification to you.

  • You receive a report email notification via a shared inbox or group email address.


If you have the email notification, you can request access to a report's results. Visit the URL at the top of the email notification, then click the Request Access button on the "You need permission" page. The owner will be notified of your request and will contact you once you've been added as a recipient.


Note: If you were recently added as a recipient, you'll continue to see the "You need permission" message until the next time the report is scheduled to run and a result is generated.


Request Access Button



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