Country Profiles

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Country regulatory controls can often be complex and very nuanced, and don’t conveniently fall into discrete categories, such as those shown in the Import and Export Controls. To help importers and exporters understand the various nuances of country controls, the Country Profiles tool is available to conduct more research on specific countries.


To use the Country Profiles:


1    Click Regulatory Controls from the left navigation panel. Then click Country Profiles.


2    A pop-up window will appear showing a list of countries and the Search-By-HTS Tool. You can navigate to a specific country from the left-hand menu, or enter a six-digit HTS code in the search field, along with a country pair and click Submit Query.

Figure 1: Country Guides Pop-up Window


3    When the results appear, you will see various links at the top of the page, which allow you to refine and/or explore additional areas of the country details.  

Figure 2: Country Details Links






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