Search Help Contents:
Getting StartedClick the links below to jump to a section: Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat do I need to do to integrate the API? The API does require integration and configuration:
How does the API compare with other exp.o Visibility options?
For what time frame is shipment information available? The source data contains information for active shipments, as well as shipments completed in the last 120 days. It is the same source data that is used by the exp.o Visibility online application.
Do I have to search by a shipment number, or can I use a different reference number? The Shipment Count and Shipment List requests can be executed with or without reference numbers, or any trace reference can be used. If no reference number is specified, the results include all shipments; if a reference value is specified, the results include only shipments with values matching the reference. Shipment Details, Events, References and Exact Match all require a specific shipment number. What information is included? Shipment Count provides a count of shipments for the organization in active status, or completed in the last 120 days. If no reference number is specified, the count returned is for all shipments; if a reference value is specified, the count is only for shipments with values matching the reference.
Shipments returns Shipment ID, Status, Origin, Destination and Last Update Time. If no reference number is specified in the request, information is returned for all shipments; if a reference value is specified, the summary is only for shipments with values matching the reference.
Shipment Detail returns the following information for a single Shipment ID, if the data is present on the shipment.
The Events request returns the same events as exp.o Visibility. The References request returns the following information for a single Shipment ID, if the reference is present on the shipment:
See Event Codes & References fore more details.
The Exact Match request returns the shipment detail, events and references for a single shipment ID.
What shipment statuses are displayed? To effectively segment stages of the shipment life cycle, a status is assigned based on the occurrence of specific core events:
What time zone is used? All date/time information uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) Can I have multiple tokens active at the same time? Yes, requesting new tokens will not impact previously issued tokens so you can have multiple tokens active at the same time. This is beneficial if you have a multi-server environment.
Can I get a separate set of credentials for production and development? Yes, please have your Expeditors contact request additional credentials.
Can a token ever expire early? There are some corner case scenarios where tokens may “expire” early. For instance, if a server goes down before it is able to persist the token to our data store. Our recommendation is to continue to use a token until a call fails with an “invalid token” response, at which point a new token can be requested and the failed call can be reissued.
How can I tell if a shipment has departed? There are two main ways. First, you can look at the status of the shipment. If the status is “in transit” then you know the shipment has departed. Second, you can look for the COB event (confirmed on board) which provides actual departure information.
Why do I see multiple COB events? Expeditors will have a COB event for each leg of the shipment. For example, the shipment could go from New York to Paris to Cairo so you will see a COB event from New York to Paris and another COB event from Paris to Cairo. The same is true for our BKD event (booked to depart) which captures the planned departure information for each leg of the shipment.
What if I get an error and it’s not in your list of error codes? Our documentation only lists the common errors that we have configured. A full list of possible REST API error responses can be found here:
How is the API structured?All requests to this service must:
Request parameters and parameter values are case-sensitive. Data is returned in JSON format. Some URLs support optional parameters, such as sizeLimit={sizeLimit}&offset={offset}. Optional parameters are identified by an "N" for no in the "Required?" column of the Request Parameter table.
RegistrationContact your Expeditors representative to request credentials; the following information is required:
We collect business and technical contact information for the purpose of notifying API users of system maintenance, downtimes and new releases. It is important to keep this information up-to-date with Expeditors to ensure timely notification of activities impacting the API.
For more information, see Notifications.
Rate LimitFor most use cases, hourly updates for shipment information is sufficient as the transactional data is not changing significantly multiple times within an hour.All requests are subject to a rate limit; the default rate limit is 2000 requests per hour. An hour is measured in increments of 60 minutes; e.g. 01:00:00 to 01:59:59; it is not tied to session start time. The HTTP "429 Too Many Requests" response will persist until the next hour begins. |
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