ECN Classification

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The Export Control Number (ECN) Classification wizard helps to determine the specific details required to export dual-use or restricted products. It also provides information described in detail pertaining to the particular products as well as notes that facilitate the export process.


To determine ECN classification:


1    Click Product Classification from the left navigation panel. The menu will expand.


2    Click ECN Classification.


3     Fill out the fields accordingly. See the field definitions below for more information.


4    Click Submit. The search results appear below the search criteria.

Figure 1: ECN Classification Results


5    Click Notes for more information on a particular ECN.


A list of the fields that appear in the ECN Classification page:



*Classification Country/Union Country/Union in which the product is classified.
Search Type Select whether to search for part of the ECN Number, a Munitions List Number, or to run a text search.
*Search Text Enter the search criteria in the text box to search.
Narrow Your Search Select any one of the options to narrow the search.



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HS Classification

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