International Air Booking |
International Air bookings are bookings that transport the freight via Air.
To create an international air booking:
Click a section on the image below to jump to the help text below:
Figure 1: Create a Booking - International Air Booking Type - Click a section to jump to the help text below
Figure 2: Parties - International Air Booking Type
Use the drop-down list to select a company from your address book for the role. You can use the filter to quickly find the company you are looking for. As you type, the list of companies will automatically be filtered. Click the company name to edit any of the fields.
If the company is not listed, you can click New and the Add New Company window will appear. Fill in the information and then click Update. If you want to save the company to your address book, select the Save to Address Book check box and enter an Address Name to add the address to the address book.
When selecting a company, Your Favorites are listed first, then the companies Created By You and finally Shared By Team companies were created by a user in your company.
Click the Add icon ( The Add Email pop-up window gives you one location to add email addresses of people that you want to details about the booking. You can opt to have the document links included in the email or not. You can toggle this by clicking the green check (document links will be included) or red x (they will still get details about the booking, but document links will not be included) to the right of the email address. To add additional email addresses, click the Add icon to the left of the email address and a new row will appear. Click Add to add the email addresses to the booking. Figure 3: Add Emails Pop-up Window
Select email addresses and click the:
Figure 4: Shipment Information - International Air Booking Type
For the Expeditors Origin Office
and Destination Port,
click the search button (
Enter the Requested Delivery
Date to Consignee by clicking the calendar icon (
Select the Service Type and Service Level from the drop-down lists.
Figure 5: Terms and Charges - International Air Booking Type
Select Yes or No for whether or not a letter of credit is required.
Enter the Expeditors Quote Number if there is one.
Select the Terms of Sale (Incoterm) from the drop-down list. If you select a Terms of Sale (Incoterm), you must enter a Named Place.
For the Freight and Origin Charges, select the method of payment by selecting the radio button for Prepaid, Collect, or 3rd Party. If you selected a Terms of Sale, the payment types will be automatically be selected for the charges, but you can update the values if needed.
If you select 3rd Party, the Bill To field will appear. Click to view more about the Bill To field.
You must select Yes in the Insurance section to have the radio buttons for Insurance be enabled.
You can click More Details to expand the Terms and Charges to include additional terms and charges.
Figure 7: Pickup Information - International Air Booking Type
If Expeditors will arrange pickup (Yes):
If Expeditors will not arrange pickup (No) OR If the pickup is part of a Prearranged pickup or "Daily Stop" (Prearranged):
Figure 8: Freight Details - International Air Booking Type
In the Freight Details section, enter information about the freight and packages.
If your freight is Oversized, select Yes and the Enter oversize description field will appear and be a required field.
You can enter the Declared Value for Customs.
For Is this shipment subject to ITAR?, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is the United States regulation (22 CFR 120-130) that controls the manufacture, sale, and distribution of defense and space-related articles and services as defined in the United States Munitions List (USML) (22 CFR, part 121). Select Yes if your shipment falls into the ITAR category.
The information you enter about the freight will be automatically
calculated and validated for the required fields in the table.
When you finish entering the pieces, the totals will be automatically
calculated for you. To add additional lines, click the Add
line icon (
F. US Export Customs EEI Filing Information Figure 9: US Export Customs EEI Filing Information - International Air Booking Type
If you are exporting from the US and Expeditors will be filing the Export Clearance (EEI), select Yes and additional information will be required to ensure your booking has all information needed to avoid potential delays.
The EIN/Tax ID Field is formatted so the data passes to ETMS correctly and to the EEI Document. Should be used for US Exports only.
If the number does not meet this format (not a US Export), the Shipper can use Tax ID or VAT identification number selection.
Figure 10: Booking Items - International Air Booking Type
You can add item data to a booking by entering in the item information or by adding items from the Item Catalog.
Click Add Item from Catalog to search for items in the Item Catalog. Once you select an item from the search, most of the fields will be filled in.
If the item is not in the Item Catalog, click Click to Add New Item and enter in as much information as possible about the item. Then enter the Item Quantity and Item UOM.
The US Export tab will appear if you selected Yes for submitting EEI Filing Information. It contains required fields so that your booking has all the information needed to avoid potential delays.
Click the add icon (
See Add/Edit an Item for more information about adding items to the Item Catalog. See Upload Items for more information about uploading items. H. Special Instructions to Expeditors Figure 11: Special Instructions to Expeditors - International Air Booking Type
If there are any Special Instructions you can enter them into the field provided, up to 2000 characters.
The If unable to deliver drop-down list allows you to select how you want the shipment to be handled if it cannot be delivered for any reason. If you select Delivery to or Notify, make sure to enter the address or contact information in the Special Instructions field.
Figure 12: References - International Air Booking Type
Enter as many references as you need. Enter the Number and then select the Type from the drop-down list and select in the For column, who the reference is for.
To add additional references, click the Add
icon (
To rearrange references, click and drag the reference row. The primary Shipper reference is the first reference closest to the top of the list that is For the Shipper.
Figure 13: Insurance - International Air Booking Type
To insure the shipment, select Yes and then enter the Insured Amount. The Insurance row in the Terms and Conditions section will be enabled.
K. Declared Value for Carriage Figure 14: Declared Value for Carriage - International Air Booking Type
If you have requested Insurance for your shipment, this section will be blank.
If you don't want to insure your shipment, you can instead Declare Value for Carriage. Select Yes for the Declare a higher value field and enter the Declared Amount.
Figure 15: Documents - International Air Booking Type
The Documents section allows you to specify the document types you would like attached to the booking.
The Shipper's Letter of Instructions (SLI) is automatically generated.
To add a document to the list, select the Document Type from the drop-down list, enter a optional Description/Reference, and then click Add. If the Add button is not enabled, it means that exp.o Booking does not generate the document and you will need to upload the document instead. For more information on adding a document, see Add a Document.
To attach/upload a document, select the Document Type from the drop-down list and enter a Description/Reference, then click Select File and select the document from your computer. Click Attach. See Upload Documents for more information.
Click Create/Edit Content to fill in the information for the document.
To delete documents from the list,
click the Delete icon
The Save as a New Template link moves you back to the top of the booking where you can enter a Template Name and select if you want to Share the template with others in your team. Click Save Template to save the booking as a template. Figure 16: Save as a New Template
Figure 17: Save Template
© 2023 Property of Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Business Confidential and Proprietary. Reproduction by written authorization only. - Created by: Expeditors Technical Communications Department - |