Manage Product Information

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The Product Information section in the product detail page is designed to help you enter the product compliance and regulatory related information such as the Product ID, HS code, Country of Origin, etc.


Note: If you are associating a product to a trade partner, be sure to have that trade partner uploaded or created in your Trade Partner Centre. See the Trade Partner Centre Help for more information on how to create trade partners.


Watch Movie Click to watch a video about classifying products.



To manage product information:


1    Click Add Product from the left navigation panel or click Find Product and search for the product you want to modify.


2    The Product Information section is at the top of the page. See the field definitions below for help on filling out the Product Information section.


Note: Based on the Classification Country/Union selected, some of the rules and controls may be disabled.


Figure 1: Product Information Section


A list of the fields that appear in the Product Information section:



*Product ID User-defined Product Identification number. This is a required field.
Product Effective Begin Date Start of the period during which the product is effective and can be transacted. Click Calendar icon to select the date.
Product Effective End Date End of the period during which the product is effective and can be transacted. Click Calendar icon to select the date.
Alias ID User-defined alias ID of the product.


Universal Product Code of the product.

Tentative ID Select this check box if the Product ID is tentative and may be finalized in the future.
Verified Select this check box if the product's HS code is verified.
Inactive Select this check box to inactivate the product information temporarily. When a product is inactive, the product does not appear in the List-view of any search.
Preferred Select this check box if the product ID is preferred. For example, if you have similar products and want to prioritize them, you would select this check box for the product with highest priority.
Import Select this check box to indicate if the product is an import.
Export Select this check box to indicate if the product is an export.
*Classification Country/Union

Country that classifies the product.  This is used in determining the HS code.

Some fields in the Product Information section are country-specific and will be enabled depending on the country/union entered here.

Product Type

Product Type. Options are:

  • Single: A product that is shipped as a whole without having to specify its components.

  • Choice: A product that has components and the HS Code of the parent product cannot be specified.

  • Set: A product that has components and each of the components have their own HS Code.

Set Type

If the Product Type is Set you can choose the type from the drop-down list.


Products with the Classification Country of United States will have multiple options for customs sets, whereas non-U.S. countries will have only the option of “Customer Defined”.

Country of Origin Country the product is sourced from.
State/Province of Origin State/Province where the product was originally produced. Click Look-up icon to select.
Model Enter the Model Name/Number.
Brand/Make Enter the Brand Name.
HS Code Harmonized Schedule code of the product. You can enter the HS code or click Classify to classify the product and determine the HS code. Watch Movie

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.


Note: If your product is a Set and belongs to the Classification Country/Union - United States you will use the Complex HS Classification Wizard.

Otherwise, the regular HS Classification wizard will be used to determine the HS code.

Classification Status

Automatically determines if the HS Code entered is valid, invalid, or unknown.

HS Extension Enter the HS Extension number
ALADI HS Code ALADI HS Code of the product. You can enter the ALADI HS code or click Classify to classify the product and determine the ALADI HS code.

This field is specific to Latin American countries and supports the intra-Latin American trade program ALADI.

Use HS Code for Export HS

Choose the Yes radio button if you want to use the HS code for the Export HS as well.

Export HS (Schedule B)

The Export HS field is enabled if Export is checked, and if Use HS Code for Export HS is set to No.


The Export HS is available to any Classification Country/Union to load a value.


However, the Classify button is only enabled for United States, because it is the only country where separate export classification (Schedule B) content is available.

Export Control Number (ECN) Export Control Number of the product. You can enter the Export Control Number or click Classify to classify the product and determine the Export Control Number. This field is enabled if Export is checked.

Legal 1 / Legal 2

Enter the units of measure (UOM) for export.

Procedure Codes The Procedure Codes are used to identify the Customs Procedures that apply to the product. Click Look-up icon to select.
USML Code Two digit US Munitions List code. This field is enabled if the Classification Country/Union - United States and the Export check box is selected. Click Look-up icon to select.
Significant Military Equipment If the product is considered Significant Military Equipment, select this check box. This check box is enabled if the Classification Country/Union - United States and the Export check box is selected.

DDTC Units

Enter the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls units of measure (UOM) code. Click Look-up icon to select.

Domestic/Foreign/Military Select the expected product use. This check box is enabled if the Classification Country/Union - United States and the Export check box is selected.
Duty Rate Rate at which duty will be applicable for the product. Will be automatically populated for all the valid HS codes, if it is classified. Click Date Range Selection icon to enter Effective Dates for the Duty Rate and click Apply.
Units Commercial and legal units of measure.
Confidence Level Your confidence level of the HS code. Reflects the accuracy of the HS code. Various confidence levels are:
  • Not reviewed

  • Advisory/Research needed

  • 6 digits: The first 6 digits of the HS number has been verified

  • 8 digits

  • 10 digits

  • More than 10 digits

Quota Required Select this check box if the product is regulated by a Quota.
Quota Category Specify the quota category.

Has Adjustments

Select this check box if the price of the product being imported needs to be increased or decreased based on certain factors. Click Manage to add an adjustment.

See Adjustments for more information.

Ruling Type Use the Look-up icon Look-up icon to select Ruling Type. Ensure that the Classification Country and Country of Origin have been selected.
Ruling Number Classification Ruling Number assigned by Customs. This field is enabled only when a ruling type has been selected.
Source Source of Verification of the HS code. Select from the drop-down list.

Vendor Product ID

The vendor's Product Identification number.

Duty Reduction Program Reference This is not enabled for all classification countries.  If applicable, click Look-up icon to select the relevant duty reduction program. Click Date Range Selection icon to enter Effective Dates for Duty Reduction Program Reference and click Apply.

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.

Duty Reduction Program Authoritative Code

The official code that represents the program, which provides a confirmation whether the user-entered DRP Reference value is authoritative.

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.

Duty Reduction Program Name

A name, often an abbreviation, given by the trade content for the DRP.

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.

Duty Reduction Program Description

Usually a longer, more descriptive name of the program, as given by the trade content.

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.

Duty Reduction Program Status

A value that represents a cross-checking of the DRP Reference against the HS code entered, the Classification Country of the product and the Country of Origin (if present).

See Duty Reduction Program for more information.

Secondary Special Program Indicator If there is a secondary special program, choose it from the drop-down list.

Preference Criteria Code

Enter the preference criteria code. Use the Look up icon Look-up icon to select the relevant preference criteria code.

See Preference Criteria for more information.

Preference Criteria Description

The preference criteria description will automatically populate when a valid preference criteria code is entered. If an invalid preference criteria code is added, UNKNOWN will be shown.

See Preference Criteria for more information.

Net Cost Select this check box to indicate Net Cost.
NAFTA Reconciliation Select this check box if the duty reduction program is NAFTA. Click Date Range Selection icon to enter Effective Dates for NAFTA Reconciliation; the Begin Date is required. Click Apply.
Reconciliation Flag Select appropriate reconciliation flag from the drop-down list if you expect to get a waiver on the duties. Click Date Range Selection icon to enter Effective Dates for the Reconciliation Flag.
Unit Price State the Unit Price.  Select the currency for the Unit Price from the drop-down list.  Click Date Range Selection icon to enter Effective Dates for the Unit Price and click Apply.
NMFC Enter NMFC (National Motor Freight Calculation) Code.

Foreign Trade Zone Status

Status for foreign trade zones.

Department Code The code for the department that handles your product.

ETW Classification Date

This is for Tradewin Consultant use only. Enter the classified date. Click Date Range Selection icon to select.

ETW Classification User

This is for Tradewin Consultant use only. Click the drop-down list to select the consultant.

Special Handling Requirements

Enter any special handling instructions.






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