Common Buttons

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This topic explains usage of buttons that are common across the application. Buttons that are specific to particular pages are explained in subsequent topics.




Add Button

Appears in the search screen. Click this to add/create records.

Cancel Button

Appears in the Detail-view. Click this to cancel the current operation and return to the previous page.

Classify Button

Appears in Detail-view. Click this to search for HS codes. See Determine HS Classification for more information.

Clear All Button

Appears in the List-view. Click this to clear entered data on a page. The system clears the data and refreshes the page to display the default page.

Copy Button

Appears in the Detail-view. Click this to create a copy of an existing product that will have a different classification country or different Product ID with other details remaining the same. See Copy Product Details for more information.

Delete Button

Appears in Detail-view. Click this to delete the record.

Edit List Button

Appears in the search page. Click this to edit a saved search fields. See Search Feature for more information.

Extract Button

Appears in the List-view. Click this to extract records from Tradeflow in standard output formats (.csv, xml). See Extract Product Data for more information.

History Button

Appears in the Detail-view. Click this to view the history of changes made to a record. See View Product History for more information.

Mass Update Button

Allows you to copy, update and delete multiple selected records in a single operation. See Mass Update Function for more information.

Product List Button Appears in the detail page of a product. Use this to search and see in List-view all previously created products.
Save Button Appears in the Detail-view. Click this to save the entries made in a screen and remain in the Detail-view.
Save and Close Button Appears in the Detail-view. Click this to save the entries made and return to the List-view.

Appears in the Edit Product Detail-view. Click this to save the entries made and go on to the next product in your search results.

Appears in the Add Product page. Click to save the new product and immediately create another one. Will also appear in the Edit Product Detail-view when there are no more products to view from your search results.

Save Fields Only Button

Appears in the search page. Click this to save the search fields only. See Search Feature for more information.

Search Button

Appears in the search page. Click this to perform the search.

Upload Button

Appears in the List-view. Click this to upload data from your Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)/Legacy system into the Tradeflow database. Data can be uploaded using standard file format (.csv, xml). See Upload Product Data for more information.

View Button Allows you to only view the product information. See View Product Information for more information.






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